O ator Carmo Dalla Vecchia finally opened up about his marriage, 15 years after the fact, and explained the reason why. In an interview, he said: “If you speak out, you won’t have work anymore.”

Carmo Dalla Vecchia, a guest on the program “Companhia Certa” on RedeTV!, has been married to dramaturge João Emanuel Carneiro for 18 years. He recalled the moment he decided to go public with his relationship, in 2021. “I decided to talk about it because, after many years of therapy, my Buddhist practice, a pandemic, losing my best friend, I was questioning myself for a long time. I wanted to talk about it and bring representation to other people,” he said.

The actor acknowledged that he had never hidden his relationship from people he knew, but he didn’t feel that it was worth going public about, especially considering the type of characters he played. “I never hid it from anyone who knew me, but it wasn’t a big deal because, in the type of roles I played, I wasn’t advised to speak out. In a clearer way: ‘If you speak out, you won’t have work anymore.’ But then came a certain moment when I thought: ‘I don’t want to pay that price. I think the best thing I have in the world to be is myself,'” he said, alongside his husband and their 5-year-old son, Pedro.

O que você achou deste conteúdo?

Carmo Dalla Vecchia explica decisão que o fez tornar seu casamento público

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